The “client-exploiters” and their motivations

The Note Nº2/13 of the Inter-American Cooperation Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, Smuggling of and Trafficking ...

Twelve report to the secretary general of the OAS (2012)

The Twelve Report to the Secretary General of the OAS aims to go beyond description and analysis of experiences (work ...

CSEC in travel and tourism

The Newsletter Nº1/13 contains conceptual information about CSEC in the context of travel and tourism. In view of the relevance ...

Sec on the internet and adolescent participation

The Newsletter Nº 3/12 of the IIN contains information about SEC on the Internet and the adolescent participation as key ...

Proposals for producing a framework of reference for reparation and restitution of the rights of child victims of commercial sexual exploitation with a gender perspective

The objective of this document is to generate recommendations for the implementation of programs of restitution of rights for children ...

Good practices in addressing the commercial sexual exploitation of children (III)

Systematization of the Second Regional Meeting on “Prevention, Protection and Restitution of Rights of children and adolescents against commercial sexual ...